Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Avoid Repairs By Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

By taking a few simple steps you can ensure that your air conditioning unit or system is operating free of debris, dirt, dust or other contaminants. This will help it last well into the future. Air conditioning repairs something you should try to avoid—especially during the hot summer months. If you AC goes down, Aabbott Ferraro specializes in air conditioning repair in Maplewood and local burgs. We would like to share with you a few suggestions on how to help you not have to encounter repairs below.

Filter Changes
Filters are a very important part of keeping your AC running properly. The ultimate holding bay for debris, dirt, dust and other particles, this simple item keeps your air conditioner clean. Filter replacements should occur every one to three months (dependent upon usage) to keep these particles out of your home. The more dust and debris that gets trapped in an air filter the more efficient they are at carrying out their assigned task. The drawback to this very fact is that it reduces airflow and increases resistance. Buy a new one as often as once a month if you run your air conditioner on a daily, heavy basis. This effort is huge in the goal to avoid air conditioner repair. Filters are usually not that expensive and changing them is generally pretty easy.

Outdoor Unit Cleanliness
Your outdoor unit is something to also keep clean and free of contaminants. Clear away debris, dirt, leaves and other items that have been cast into or around the unit. Utilize this time to check it for any cracks or broken parts. If you spot anything amiss, call us for quick and timely air conditioner repair services.

Annual Inspection
An annual inspection will guarantee that a qualified set of eyes falls upon on your air conditioner or overall system. They can go a long way. The ideal time of year to do this is in the spring—prior to your using your air conditioning on a daily basis—but, we can come out anytime to take a look. We will make sure that everything is in good working order and that no repairs or parts replacements are needed. Having an inspection can help you could avoid air conditioner repair that is often costly and time-consuming.

For more information on air conditioner repair in Maplewood, call Aabbott Ferraro at (651) 776-7214 or you can contact us to schedule your Free Estimate.